On November 23, our four trustees new to the board in 2024 Curt Nissley, Jay Springer, Gary Patterson and Heidi Winzinger, got a firsthand look at the preserves and conservation easements east of Route 206, along with those already on the board. Founder and Veep Mark Thomas provided background information on history and ecology. Trustees new and old marveled at the beauty and variety in the more than 2000 acres of land preserved forever from development, thanks to your generosity. On February 8 the tour was completed with visits to the preserves west of 206.
Thank you for your generosity!
Thanks to all our friends and donors for making the 2024 Annual Appeal almost 1/3 more successful than 2023! You gave $41,738 towards preserving land along the Rancocas, its tributaries and in the watershed forever from development. In 2025 we are hopeful for adding more property to the total in our existing 12 preserves and conservation easements. Keep your fingers crossed that several prospects we are pursuing come to fruition.
2024 Annual Appeal
Dear Friends,
As the year moves into its last changes of color, now is the time we ask you to donate to the Annual Appeal which funds our mission: buying property along the Rancocas Creek and its tributaries to protect it forever from development. The degree to which we thrive in our efforts depends on your generosity and support. Over the 33 year history of the Rancocas Conservancy, we have acquired and managed over 2000 acres in 12 preserves throughout the watershed. Together we are building a community of care for the land and water we love.
We are grateful for your past support and ask you to give as generously as you can. The Rancocas Conservancy has shown that a dedicated group of volunteer stewards can perform great things for the area we hold dear. Your donation is 100% deductible for tax purposes. To donate online, use the QR code below. You can also mail a check to PO Box 2188, Vincentown NJ 08088.
Thank you.
For the Rancocas,
Rick Brown, President
Private Property Hike with Outdoor Club of South Jersey
On October 3, Rancocas Conservancy partnered with our friends from Outdoor Club of South Jersey for a hike along the North Branch Rancocas on scenic private property in New Lisbon. Twelve hikers enjoyed fall foliage and white cedar swamps led by Dr. Mark Thomas.
Rancocas Conservancy Annual Dinner, Oct. 16, 6pm
Save this date! Rancocas Conservancy will return to the beautiful Bradford Estate at 1910 Marne Highway in Hainesport on the South Branch Rancocas for our Annual Dinner. Those who attended last year will remember a wonderful evening of great food, fellowship and a fascinating speaker. This year we will host Dr. Mark Demitroff of Stockton University, who will share his study of the wetlands geology of the Rancocas watershed and the adjoining pinelands. $65 reservations are now being taken online by clicking on the Donate button in the upper right of this page. Checks will be accepted at the door, however we would prefer not to take cash.
Save the dates!
Rancocas Conservancy returns to Burlington County Farm Fair, July 16-20. Look for us in the History ‘Tent.
Rancocas Journal, July 2024
By Mark S. Thomas, MD, Founder and Vice President
Mission Statement: The purpose of the Rancocas Conservancy is to preserve, protect, and enhance the ecological and cultural integrity of the Rancocas Creek watershed and its tributaries.
The Rancocas Conservancy was born on a warm, sunny spring day in early May, 1989. I had moved to Pemberton Borough the previous July, when I began my residency in Family Medicine at Memorial Hospital of Burlington County in Mount Holly. I had become enamored of the Rancocas Creek, its intimate, human scale and leafy-green corridors. The sound of Spring peepers lured me into the valley that April. The vibrant leaves of skunk cabbage had begun to unfurl in the warming mud along the creek.
This particular day I wandered past the canoe rental in the borough and past the two dams, over which flowed tannin-brown waters. Following the creek-side path that matched the curve of the stream, I came to a subtle hillside rising to the south, where a grove of American beech, with their smooth gray skin and straight stature, filled the slope. Their nascent green leaves were were opening in elongated curls of light-filled translucency. Into this lush scene, directly in front of me, a wood thrush swooped in and perched above me, some fifteen feet away. It sang for ten minutes in the flute-like melody that has captivated me since childhood. The completeness and wondrous quality of the experience triggered an immediate, and permanent, inspiration to protect this place.
Over the next two years, I accumulated the names of individuals who might have an interest in exploring the opportunities to preserve land along the Rancocas Creek and its branches. The search took me to municipalities, county and state agencies, where I searched for individuals who might protect the natural beauty and resources of the Rancocas Creek watershed. The Burlington County Office of Resource Conservation proved to be the most helpful contact in directing me to individuals and organizations responsive to conservation efforts in the Rancocas. We held our first meeting at Smithville Park on June 19, 1989. We received our non-profit status as the Rancocas Watershed Conservation Foundation on September 12, 1991.
We began our very successful “Rancocas Journal” in Fall, 1994. In 1995 we were awarded grants from the Green Acres Department of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to acquire natural lands in the Rancocas Creek watershed. In 1998, we unveiled our first preserve, the Michael Stavola- Pemberton Beech Woods, the same location where the wood thrush sang to me years before. On these 46 acres, where 34 houses were to have been built, a beech woods, whose landscape provided a unique grove of beechwoods succession in a relatively undisturbed setting, was preserved in perpetuity. Subsequently the preserve has been enlarged to 61 acres, comprising most of the remaining open space in Pemberton Borough.
Over the intervening years, largely through volunteer effort, we have protected approximately 2,500 acres of land in the Rancocas Creek watershed, including upland headwaters, large intact acreage of swamp and wetlands, and corridors along the branches of the Rancocas Creek.
Presently, a newly re-invigorated board works diligently to curate our 12 preserves and has identified three stunning examples of Rancocas lands for possible protection. We strongly encourage you to help us in our efforts.
As the Rancocas Conservancy has as its project area the watershed of the Rancocas Creek, education and advocacy have gone hand-in-hand with land acquisition. Our presence at environmental fairs, presentations at allied non-profit meetings and municipal activities, and our assistance in local preservation efforts keeps us, and the watershed, in the public mind of Burlington County residents.
Good will, invitation to serve and volunteer, and education at every turn, characterizes the public presence of the Rancocas Conservancy. Please see our website, RancocasConservancy.org regularly, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. However, getting out onto our preserves, through strolling, nature study or volunteering, is the best way to appreciate the treasured resources we curate.
Pemberton Borough
Stavola - Pemberton Beech Woods, Budd-Reynolds historic site
Pemberton Township
Mirror Lake Preserve
North Branch Preserve
Greenwood Preserve
Greenwood Easement
Bucks Cove Run Preserve
Medford Township
Cowan Preserve
Dixontown Preserve
Wurst Preserve
Tabernacle Township
Pipers Corners Preserve
Southampton Township
Friendship Creek Preserve
Cold Spring Preserve.
Officers and Board
Rick Brown President
Mark S. Thomas Vice-President, founder
Christine Hill Secretary
Joseph Wechselberger Treasurer
Barbara Rich Co-founder
Joe Augustyn
Jack Cresson
Stephen Elliot
Jason Howell
Richard Hunt
Rick Hunt
Curt Nissley
Gary Patterson
Jay Springer
Steve Tambini
Rancocas Conservancy Co-Sponsors Hike on Private Property
On May 28, Rancocas Conservancy and Outdoor Club of South Jersey had a rare opportunity to visit private property along the North Branch Rancocas and Greenwood Branch in New Lisbon. Perfect weather and blooming mountain laurel added to the pleasure of vice-president and founder Dr. Mark Thomas’s presentation. Trustees Christine Hill and Gary Patterson also contributed.
Outdoor Club of South Jersey Lends a Hand with Trail Maintenance
The fabled Outdoor Club of South Jersey trail crew, custodians of the 52 mile Batona Trail, felt like trying something different. Led by Conservancy president Rick Brown, along with trail crew heads Ro and Diane Mason, a group of fourteen cutters and trimmers tackled the yellow and white trails at North Branch Preserve in Pemberton Township on May 7. We are thankful for their help and hope to see them again.
Dr. Mark Thomas Gives Talk to Medford Historical Society
On May 3, Dr. Mark Thomas, founder and vice president, gave a talk to the Medford Historical Society on the Rancocas Conservancy, the Rancocas watershed and its integration into the Medford landscape, which straddles the Southwest Branch. He offered an intriguing vision for a Greenway of the village’s natural, historic and cultural assets, which would benefit the health and well-being of the community.
Rancocas Conservancy Reaches Out
Spring sends Rancocas Conservancy out into the community to talk to folks about the watershed. We’ve already been to Lines on the Pines and Black Run’s Poker Run. Coming up are Burlington County Earth Fair on April 21 at Smithville Park and Pinelands Preservation Alliance Native Plant Sale on Friday and Saturday April 26 and 27. See you soon.
Rancocas Conservancy Returns to Earth Fair
Rancocas Conservancy will again participate in the Burlington County Earth Fair on Sunday, April 21 from 11am to 4pm. Stop by our table in the Sustainable Living Tent to say hi and grab some goodies.
Trail Work at Cold Spring Preserve Saturday April 20
Join us to remediate a fire damaged trail, 830 am on Kettle Run Road, next to Black Run. Register here- https://pinelandsalliance.salsalabs.org/rancocasconservancyapril20trailmaintday
April 4 Hike Postponed Due to Inclement Weather
A new date will be scheduled soon.
Open Hike At North Branch Preserve on Thursday, April 4
Rancocas Conservancy has scheduled an open hike of about two miles at North Branch Preserve on Pemberton Bypass for Thursday, April 4 {rain date April 5} at 10am. Because of the small parking lot, there will be a limit of 13 cars. Please RSVP to contact@rancocasconservancy.org.
Rancocas Conservancy Hosts Outdoor Club of South Jersey
Thirteen members of the Outdoor Club of South Jersey enjoyed a tour of our first preserve, Stavola Beechwoods. Founder and current vice-president Dr. Mark Thomas led a four mile hike through the preserve, along the North Branch of Rancocas Creek, down the Pemberton Rail Trail and in the historic village of Pemberton Boro, sharing a wealth of knowledge about the area’s ecological and historic importance.
Rancocas Conservancy Makes First Appearance at Lines on the Pines
In our first appearance at Lines on the Pines, the annual get together of Pinelands lovers at Stockton University on Sunday, March10, Rancocas Conservancy met and spoke to well over 100 individuals about the Rancocas watershed, land protection and more.
2024-2025 Strategic Plan
Rancocas Conservancy Trustees recently met to develop.the 2024-2025 strategic plan. Look for exciting new events and membership opportunities to come in land preservation, trail stewardship, communication, outreach and more.
Outdoor Club of South Jersey Visits Wurst Preserve
On February 1, sixteen members of the Outdoor Club of South Jersey visited Wurst Preserve on Tansborough Crowfoot Road in Medford Township, on a six mile hike that also included Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge and Girl Scout Camp Kettle Run. Due to recent rains, the trail at George’s Pond was beautiful but a little soggy. Still the intrepid hikers managed to bushwack successfully all the way around.
Hold this date! Rancocas Conservancy will be at Lines on the Pines 2024
Rancocas Conservancy will join the free indoor annual gathering of artists, authors, artisans and associations whose passion is the Pines on Sunday, March 10 from 11am to 4pm at Stockton University Campus Center. We will have information and giveaways for the whole family. And don’t forget the Pinelands Short Course the previous day, same place.